Internet Addiction Prevalence

Internet addiction prevalence (PINTA)

Report to the Federal Minis­try of Health, Germany

Pro­ject dura­ti­on: Novem­ber 15, 2010 to Febru­a­ry 14, 2011
Fun­ding code: Chap­ter 15 02 Tit­le 684 69
Fun­ding amount: € 14,580

Hans-Jür­gen Rumpf, Chris­ti­an Mey­er, Anja Kreu­zer & Ulrich John

Fun­ding amount: € 14,580

Ad Ver­mulst (Depart­ment of Deve­lo­p­men­tal Psy­cho­pa­tho­lo­gy, Beha­viou­ral Sci­ence Insti­tu­te, Rad­boud Uni­ver­si­ty Nij­me­gen, Nie­der­lan­de)
Gert-Jan Mer­keerk (IVO Addic­tion Rese­arch Insti­tu­te, Rot­ter­dam, Niederlande)

Manage­ment and con­ta­ct address: PD Dr. Hans-Jür­gen Rumpf
Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck, Cli­nic for Psych­ia­try and Psy­cho­the­ra­py, Rat­ze­bur­ger Allee 160, 23538
Lübeck, Tel. 0451/5002871, email:
Greifs­wald and Lübeck, 31.05.2011

Table of contents

  1. Con­clu­si­on
  2. Intro­duc­tion
    1.1 Star­ting point of the pro­ject
    1.2 Sta­te of rese­arch
    1.3 Aim of the PINTA stu­dy
    1.4 Pro­ject struc­tu­re, struc­tures and responsibilities
  3. Sur­vey and eva­lua­ti­on metho­do­lo­gy
    2.1 sam­ple
    2.1.1 Land­li­ne sam­ple
    2.1.2 Mobi­le-only sam­ple
    2.2 Sur­vey pro­ce­du­re
    2.3 Sta­tis­ti­cal Ana­ly­sis
    2.3.1 Pro­ce­du­re for esti­ma­ting pre­va­lence
    2.3.2 Weigh­t­ing of the tele­pho­ne sam­ple and con­si­de­ra­ti­on of the sam­ple design
    in data evaluation
  4. Imple­men­ta­ti­on, work plan and schedule
  5. Results
    4.1 Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te based on the cut-off
    4.2 Pre­va­lence Esti­ma­ti­on Based on Latent Class Ana­ly­sis (LCA)
  6. Dis­cus­sion of the results
  7. Gen­der Main­strea­ming Aspects
  8. Over­all assessment
  9. Dis­se­mi­na­ti­on and publi­ci­ty of the pro­ject results
  10. Uti­liz­a­ti­on of the pro­ject results (sus­taina­bi­li­ty / trans­fer potential)
  11. List of publications
  12. Lite­ra­tu­re

0. Summary

Back­ground: The data on the pre­va­lence of inter­net addic­tion are defi­ci­ent. The avail­ab­le fin­dings for Ger­ma­ny show metho­do­lo­gi­cal defi­ci­en­ci­es; in par­ti­cu­lar, they are not based on repre­sen­ta­ti­ve sam­ples. The pre­sent ana­ly­sis can fall back on a lar­ge and repre­sen­ta­ti­ve sam­ple that was recrui­ted as part of the stu­dy Patho­lo­gi­cal Gamb­ling and Epi­de­mio­lo­gy (PAGE). In this pro­ject, Inter­net addic­tion was also recor­ded as a comor­bi­di­ty using the Com­pul­si­ve Inter­net Use Sca­le (CIUS).

Method: The sam­ple con­sis­ted of 15,024 peop­le aged 14–64 who were inter­view­ed by tele­pho­ne and of whom 1,001 could only be reached via mobi­le pho­ne and not via land­li­ne. In addi­ti­on to a pro­por­tio­nal ran­dom sam­pling approach, the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve­ness was ensu­red through exten­si­ve weightin­gs. The pre­va­lence was esti­ma­ted in the PINTA stu­dy via the CIUS, in which 1. used a cut-off from ano­t­her stu­dy and 2. A latent class ana­ly­sis was cal­cu­la­ted on the basis of the CIUS items.

Results: Based on the cut-off of 28, the esti­ma­ted pre­va­lence for inter­net addic­tion is 1.5% (women 1.3%, men 1.7%). When using the LCA, the rates are slight­ly lower at 1% (women 0.8%, men 1.2%). In the 14–24 age group, the pre­va­lence incre­a­ses to 2.4% (women 2.5%, men 2.5%). If only 14–16 year olds are con­si­de­red, 4.0% are inter­net addicts (women 4.9%, men 3.1%). The high pro­por­ti­on among young girls can be found in both metho­do­lo­gi­cal approa­ches. The girls and women (14–24 years old) who were con­spi­cuous main­ly use social net­works on the Inter­net (77.1% of addicts accord­ing to LCA) and rare­ly use online games (7.2%). The young men also use social net­works, albeit to a les­ser extent (64.8%), but more often online games (33.6%). With the help of the LCA, a fur­ther group with pro­ble­ma­tic inter­net use can be iden­ti­fied in addi­ti­on to the pres­um­a­b­ly addicts, which affects a total of 4.6% of the respondents (women 4.4%, men 4.9%). Here, too, the­re are high rates among young cohorts, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly among women.

Con­clu­si­on: Com­pa­red to an ear­lier esti­ma­te of 3.2% based on ano­t­her stu­dy, PINTA has lower, yet signi­fi­cant rates. The accu­ra­cy of the esti­ma­te is signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved here on the basis of the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve sam­ple. The high pre­va­lence among girls and young women is striking. Fur­ther stu­dies with in-depth ana­ly­zes are necessary.

1 Introduction

1.1 Starting point of the project‌

Inter­net addic­tion is a still litt­le rese­ar­ched form of non-sub­s­tance addic­tion. Much atten­ti­on is cur­r­ent­ly being paid to it, inclu­ding: becau­se it could be a pro­blem of incre­a­sing impor­t­ance. So far it has not been cla­ri­fied whe­ther (1) addic­tion pro­blems with Inter­net use repre­sent a signi­fi­cant dis­or­der with cli­ni­cal rele­van­ce and (2) whe­ther their pre­va­lence in the popu­la­ti­on is of a magnitu­de that requi­res federal poli­ti­cal action. Howe­ver, due to the lack of suf­fi­ci­ent­ly valid data, the­re have been no mea­ning­ful stu­dies of the pro­blem so far.

1.2 State of research‌

Inter­na­tio­nal­ly, pre­va­lence rates bet­ween 1 and 14% can be found (Chris­ta­kis, 2010). The data on the fre­quen­cy of inter­net addic­tion inter­na­tio­nal­ly and for Ger­ma­ny have been view­ed and sum­ma­ri­zed in a pro­ject fun­ded by the Federal Minis­try of Health (BMG) (Peter­sen et al., 2010). The aut­hors con­clu­de that the­re are a num­ber of metho­do­lo­gi­cal pro­blems so that only preli­mi­na­ry esti­ma­tes are pos­si­ble. The main pro­blems are that in many cases the sam­ples are casu­al and can­not claim to be repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, and that sur­vey methods have been used that have not been vali­da­ted. In addi­ti­on, the­re is cur­r­ent­ly no uni­form defi­ni­ti­on of inter­net addic­tion (Byun et al., 2009).

The only pre­vious stu­dy for Ger­ma­ny that also cove­r­ed the area of adults comes from Hahn and Jeru­sa­lem (2001). On the basis of an online sam­ple of more than 7,000 peop­le, the pre­va­lence is 3.2% across all age groups; the pro­por­ti­on rises among youn­ger sub­jects. Boys under the age of 18 were about twice as likely to be affec­ted com­pa­red to fema­le par­ti­ci­pants, who were, howe­ver, over­all under­re­pre­sen­ted in the stu­dy. Howe­ver, a lar­ge pro­por­ti­on of the stu­dies on inter­net addic­tion only refer to ado­lescents. Based on a sur­vey in schools, Meix­ner (2010) reports a fre­quen­cy of 1.4% among 12 to 25-year-olds. Fur­ther stu­dies are limi­ted to com­pu­ter game beha­vi­or. A repre­sen­ta­ti­ve stu­dent sur­vey found a rate of 1.7% for this (Reh­bein, Klei­mann & Mos­s­le, 2010).
Sin­ce the detail­ed review by Peter­sen and Tho­ma­si­us (2010) on patho­lo­gi­cal Inter­net use in Ger­ma­ny, ano­t­her sur­vey has been car­ri­ed out at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mainz on 2,512 peop­le inclu­ding adult­hood with the aim of esti­ma­ting the pre­va­lence. Howe­ver, the data have not yet been publis­hed.
In sum­ma­ry, the data situa­ti­on with regard to the fre­quen­cy of pro­ble­ma­tic Inter­net use or Inter­net depen­den­cy in Ger­ma­ny is cur­r­ent­ly incom­ple­te. The pre­vious stu­dies have exami­ned sub­po­pu­la­ti­ons or did not show a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve basis.

1.3 Aim of the PINTA study‌

The aim of PINTA was to pro­vi­de the most reli­able figu­res pos­si­ble for the extent of inter­net addic­tion by over­co­m­ing two metho­do­lo­gi­cal weak­nes­ses of pre­vious stu­dies: a) by the inclu­si­on of both ado­lescents and adults and b) by ensu­ring repre­sen­ta­ti­ve­ness. For the assess­ment of Inter­net addic­tion in Ger­ma­ny, the ana­ly­sis of a data set from the stu­dy “Patho­lo­gi­cal Gamb­ling and Epi­de­mio­lo­gy (PAGE)” was car­ri­ed out. In this stu­dy, inter­net addic­tion was recor­ded as a comor­bi­di­ty of patho­lo­gi­cal gamb­ling. Sin­ce PAGE offers a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve and lar­ge sam­ple in the age group 14–64, a more pre­cise esti­ma­te of the pre­va­lence was possible.

1.4 Project structure, structures and responsibilities‌

The pro­ject was led by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck. The­re was clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the Insti­tu­te for Epi­de­mio­lo­gy and Social Medi­ci­ne of the Uni­ver­si­ty Medi­ci­ne in Greifs­wald. This was ensu­red struc­tu­ral­ly through tele­pho­ne con­fe­ren­ces and regu­lar bila­te­ral tele­pho­ne con­ta­cts.
In order to obtain addi­tio­nal exper­ti­se in the field of inter­net addic­tion, Dr. Gert-Jan Meer­kerk (IVO Addic­tion Rese­arch Insti­tu­te, Rot­ter­dam, Nether­lands). For sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis, the pro­ject was con­ti­nued by Dr. Ad A. Ver­mulst (Depart­ment of Deve­lo­p­men­tal Psy­cho­pa­tho­lo­gy, Beha­vio­ral Sci­ence Insti­tu­te, Rad­boud Uni­ver­si­ty Nij­me­gen, Nether­lands), who is an expert in the cal­cu­la­ti­on of latent class ana­ly­zes. Two sci­en­ti­fic employees were hired who had alrea­dy worked on the PAGE stu­dy, so that syn­er­gies could be crea­ted here.

2. Survey and evaluation methodology‌

An ana­ly­sis of the data from the PAGE pro­ject was car­ri­ed out. PAGE was fun­ded by the federal sta­tes as part of the Sta­te Trea­ty on Gamb­ling and car­ri­ed out from Decem­ber 1st, 2009 to Febru­a­ry 28th, 2011. The metho­do­lo­gy and the first results are avail­ab­le in the form of a final report (Mey­er et al., 2011). PAGE’s mul­ti­modal recrui­t­ing approach inclu­ded, among other things, a nati­on­wi­de tele­pho­ne sur­vey. This forms the basis for the data ana­ly­sis car­ri­ed out in PINTA.

2.1 Sample‌

Two sam­ples were taken for the tele­pho­ne sur­vey. In addi­ti­on to a ran­dom selec­tion of land­li­ne num­bers, peop­le who can only be reached via mobi­le pho­nes were also recrui­ted. This strand is of par­ti­cu­lar impor­t­ance becau­se the pro­por­ti­on of peop­le who can only be reached this way is signi­fi­cant and con­ti­nues to rise. Evi­dence emer­ges that this is a popu­la­ti­on with spe­ci­fic cha­rac­te­ris­tics. For examp­le, the pre­va­lence of patho­lo­gi­cal gamb­ling is incre­a­sed in this group (Mey­er et al., 2011). A com­pu­ter-aided tele­pho­ne inter­view (CATI) of 15 minu­tes on average was car­ri­ed out with all par­ti­ci­pants by trai­ned interviewers.

2.1.1 Fixed line sample‌

The sam­pling was car­ri­ed out in a mul­ti-sta­ge pro­ce­du­re by infas. A detail­ed descrip­ti­on can be found in the cor­re­spon­ding method report (Hess, Stein­we­de, Gil­berg & Kleud­gen, 2011), which is avail­ab­le on request from the aut­hors of this report. In the first sta­ge, pri­ma­ry sam­pling units (PSU) were drawn. The pro­ba­bi­li­ty of selec­tion of the muni­ci­pa­li­ties (sam­ple points) was pro­por­tio­nal to the resi­dent popu­la­ti­on in the tar­get group. Ins­ge­samt wur­den 53 Sam­ple Points in 52 Gemein­den bestimmt (Ber­lin war mit zwei Sam­ple Points ver­tre­ten). For the ran­dom selec­tion of the PSUs, stra­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons were made accord­ing to the federal sta­tes, admi­nis­tra­ti­ve districts and coun­ties as well as the slot machi­ne den­si­ty. The selec­ted muni­ci­pa­li­ties are shown in Figu­re 1.

In a second step, the house­holds were deter­mi­ned on the basis of tele­pho­ne num­bers. The­se Secon­da­ry Sam­pling Units (SSUs) were assi­gned to the muni­ci­pa­li­ties via the area codes. In each muni­ci­pa­li­ty, 5,800 tele­pho­ne num­bers were drawn for the gross sam­ple. In the third step, the tar­get per­sons were deter­mi­ned (Third Sam­pling Unit, TSU). If the­re was more than one per­son belon­ging to the tar­get group (ages 14 to 64), the per­son who was last born was chosen.

Figu­re 1: Sam­ple points (repre­sen­ted by blue mar­kings; pink mar­kings repre­sent the­ra­py faci­li­ties for patho­lo­gi­cal gambling)

Bet­ween June 7 and Octo­ber 22, 2010, a total of 14,022 tele­pho­ne inter­views from the fixed net­work sam­ple were car­ri­ed out. Of 26,736 house­holds in which a tar­get per­son aged bet­ween 14 and 64 lived, an inter­view could be car­ri­ed out with 52.4% of the tar­get per­sons after using the last bir­th­day ques­ti­on, 38.9% refu­sed to take part in the sur­vey. 8.7% of the tar­get per­sons did not take part becau­se the con­ta­ct per­son refu­sed access (4.6%), becau­se they were too serious­ly ill for a sur­vey (1.4%) or becau­se they could not be reached (2.7%; Hess & Stein­we­de, 2011).

2.1.2 Mobile-only sample‌

The ran­dom sam­ple of peop­le who can­not be reached via the fixed net­work, but only via mobi­le pho­ne, was drawn nati­on­wi­de becau­se of the unrea­liz­ab­le regio­nal allo­ca­ti­on. The tar­get group were again peop­le bet­ween the ages of 14 and 64 years. From the ran­dom­ly drawn pho­ne num­bers, only tho­se peop­le who can only be reached via a mobi­le pho­ne were selec­ted via a scree­ning.
A total of 1,001 tele­pho­ne inter­views were car­ri­ed out bet­ween Novem­ber 22, 2010 and Febru­a­ry 1, 2011 in the mobi­le-only sam­ple. To this end, 13,273 peop­le had to be scree­n­ed to ensu­re that they could only be reached by mobi­le pho­ne. Of the 1,767 poten­ti­al tar­get per­sons iden­ti­fied, 747 per­sons (42.3%) refu­sed to take part. 7 peop­le (0.4%) were unab­le to take part in the tele­pho­ne inter­view due to ill­ness or disa­bi­li­ty. 12 peop­le (0.7%) drop­ped out due to insuf­fi­ci­ent know­ledge of Ger­man (Hess & Stein­we­de, 2011).

2.2 Survey procedure‌

Im Mit­tel­punkt der Prä­va­lenz­schät­zung für patho­lo­gi­schen Inter­net­ge­brauch stand die Com­pul­si­ve Inter­net Use Sca­le (CIUS; Meer­kerk, Van Den Eijn­den, Ver­mulst & Gar­ret­sen, 2009), ein Fra­ge­bo­gen­ver­fah­ren zur Erfas­sung von Merk­ma­len der Inter­net­ab­hän­gig­keit. Your 14 items have a five-level ans­wer for­mat (Figu­re 2), with bet­ween 0 and 56 points being achie­ved. The method was deve­lo­ped in several sub­sam­ples and shows a one-fac­to­ri­al struc­tu­re throughout. The­re are also data from the gene­ral popu­la­ti­on avail­ab­le, which speaks in favor of choo­sing this method for use in epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal sur­veys. The Cronbach’s alpha as a mea­su­re of inter­nal con­sis­ten­cy was .89 and indi­ca­tes good relia­bi­li­ty. A con­ver­gent vali­di­ty with simi­lar pro­ce­du­res was shown. The­re is cur­r­ent­ly no recom­men­ded cut-off based on a broad data­ba­se. Initi­al indi­ca­ti­ons sug­gest a thres­hold value of 28 (see 3.3.1; Van Rooij, Schoe­n­ma­kers, Ver­mulst, Van Den Eijn­den & Van De Mheen, 2011).

Figu­re 2: Items of the CIUS (ans­wer cate­go­ries: never, rare­ly, some­ti­mes, often, very often)

  1. How often do you find it dif­fi­cult to stop using the inter­net while online?
  2. How often do you con­ti­nue to use the inter­net when you wan­ted to stop?
  3. How often do other peop­le, e.g. your part­ner, child­ren, par­ents or friends tell you that you
  4. should use the inter­net less?
  5. How often do you pre­fer to use the inter­net ins­tead of spen­ding time with others, e.g. with your partner,
  6. Child­ren, par­ents, friends?
  7. How often do you sleep too litt­le becau­se of the internet?
  8. How often do you think of the inter­net when you are not online?
  9. How often do you look for­ward to your next inter­net session?
  10. How often do you think about spen­ding less time online?
  11. How many times have you tried unsuc­cess­ful­ly to spend less time online?
  12. How often do you rush to do your cho­res at home so you can get on the inter­net sooner?
  13. How often do you neglect your ever­y­day respon­si­bi­li­ties (work, school, fami­ly life) because
  14. you pre­fer to go online?
  15. How often do you go online when you feel down?
  16. How often do you use the inter­net to escape your worries or
  17. relie­ve a nega­ti­ve mood?
  18. How often do you feel rest­less, frus­tra­ted, or irri­ta­ble when you can­not use the internet?

All per­sons who sta­ted that they had used the Inter­net for pri­va­te pur­po­ses eit­her for at least one hour on a week­day or one day on the wee­kend were asked the ques­ti­ons of the CIUS. The pro­ce­du­re was used in con­junc­tion with other sur­vey instru­ments. In terms of con­tent, the focus was on the record­ing of gamb­ling beha­vi­or and patho­lo­gi­cal gamb­ling. In the order in which they were pre­sen­ted, a pro­ce­du­re for record­ing social capi­tal was first used, fol­lo­wed by CIUS, the inter­view on gamb­ling and socio-demo­gra­phic ques­ti­ons. Social capi­tal was recor­ded using 12 ques­ti­ons about par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in social events in the last 12 mon­ths (cine­ma, spor­ting event, art exhi­bi­ti­on, fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on etc .; Han­son, Öster­gren, Elm­stahl, Isaacs­son & Ran­s­tam, 1997). In addi­ti­on to this infor­ma­ti­on on the “Social Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on” con­struct, the pro­ce­du­re also inclu­des a ques­ti­on as to the extent to which the­re is a gene­ral fee­ling of being able to trust other peop­le (“Trust”). Patho­lo­gi­cal gamb­ling was recor­ded using the gamb­ling sec­tion of the Com­po­si­te Inter­na­tio­nal Dia­gnostic Inter­view (CIDI) (WHO, 2009). It was also asked what acti­vi­ties more than 50% of the time is spent on the Inter­net. The free text infor­ma­ti­on has been com­bi­ned into main cate­go­ries. In the case of mul­ti­ple respon­ses, the first respon­se was evaluated.

2.3 Statistical Analysis‌

2.3.1 Procedure for estimating prevalence‌

The fre­quen­cy of inter­net addic­tion was esti­ma­ted in two ways:

  1. A cut-off was used for the scree­ning ques­ti­onn­aire CIUS, which was taken from a dif­fe­rent sam­ple (Van Rooij et al., 2011). This limit comes from two ran­dom sam­ples of 13 to 16 year old stu­dents (n = 1,572 / 1,476). The aim of the stu­dy was to iden­ti­fy a sus­pi­cious group with addic­tion to online video games. Such a group was iden­ti­fied by means of a latent class ana­ly­sis (LCA) based on the CIUS. A cut-off of 28 or more points was found to be favor­able. With the help of this thres­hold value, a rough esti­ma­te of Inter­net depen­den­cy could be made in PAGE.
  2. With the help of a modern sta­tis­ti­cal method, the latent class ana­ly­sis (LCA), which is par­ti­cu­lar­ly infor­ma­ti­ve for our pur­po­se, a group was iden­ti­fied which, based on its respon­se pat­tern, can be view­ed as likely depen­dent. LCA is a method for iden­ti­fy­ing signi­fi­cant groups of peop­le, who­se respon­se beha­vi­or is simi­lar. The cal­cu­la­ti­on was done with Mplus 5.1. (Muthén & Muthén, 1998). Several models were cal­cu­la­ted to deter­mi­ne a sub­group showing cha­rac­te­ris­tics of Inter­net addic­tion and a num­ber of good­ness-of-fit mea­su­res were used to select a model. The­se mea­su­res inclu­ded: Baye­si­an Infor­ma­ti­on Cri­ter­ion (BIC) ‑value (low values indi­ca­te bet­ter fit), Entro­py mea­su­re (hig­her values indi­ca­te bet­ter fit), Vuong-Lo-Men­dell-Rubin likeli­hood ratio test, and adjus­ted Lo-Men­dell ‑Rubin Likeli­hood Ratio Test (a p‑value <.05 indi­ca­tes that the model is bet­ter than the pre­vious one). The boot­strap­ped likeli­hood ratio test (BLRT) was not app­li­ca­ble becau­se it can­not be cal­cu­la­ted with weigh­ted data. Ano­t­her important cri­ter­ion is the use­ful­ness of the model based on theo­re­ti­cal or prac­ti­cal con­si­de­ra­ti­ons. The cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the clas­ses are che­cked by means of infe­ren­ti­al sta­tis­ti­cal com­pa­ri­sons with the other clas­ses. The LCA cal­cu­la­ti­ons were done by Dr. Ad A. Ver­mulst, Depart­ment of Deve­lo­p­men­tal Psy­cho­pa­tho­lo­gy, Beha­vio­ral Sci­ence Insti­tu­te, Rad­boud Uni­ver­si­ty Nij­me­gen, Holland.

2.3.2 Weighting of the telephone sample and consideration of the sample design in the data evaluation‌

All data were ana­ly­zed using sam­ple weights. Sin­ce esti­ma­tes based on the Ger­man popu­la­ti­on should be made on the basis of the tele­pho­ne sam­ple, spe­cial atten­ti­on was paid to the deve­lo­p­ment of ade­qua­te weigh­t­ing varia­bles. The weights were deve­lo­ped sepa­r­ate­ly for the land­li­ne and mobi­le net­work sam­ples. First, so-cal­led design weights were deter­mi­ned to com­pen­sa­te for dif­fe­rent selec­tion pro­ba­bi­li­ties through the sam­ple design. The dis­tor­ting effects of the mul­ti-sta­ge drawing pro­cess were com­pen­sa­ted for. For examp­le, house­holds that can be reached via several tele­pho­ne con­nec­tions are more likely to be selec­ted than house­holds with only one con­nec­tion. By con­trast, peop­le who live in mul­ti-per­son house­holds have a lower selec­tion pro­ba­bi­li­ty than peop­le in sin­gle house­holds due to the design, as only one per­son in the spe­ci­fied age ran­ge per house­hold was sur­vey­ed. Final­ly, the mobi­le pho­ne and land­li­ne pho­ne sam­ples had to be mer­ged. The weigh­t­ing had to be used to repro­du­ce the pro­por­ti­on of peop­le in the popu­la­ti­on with a land­li­ne con­nec­tion or who can only be reached via a mobi­le pho­ne con­nec­tion (“Mobi­le-Onlys”) in the sam­ple. Based on cur­rent fin­dings, a pro­por­ti­on of “mobi­le-onlys” in the 14 to 64 year old popu­la­ti­on of 14% (infas social rese­arch; unpu­blis­hed data) is assumed.

A second weigh­t­ing step con­sis­ted of balan­cing the dif­fe­rent wil­ling­ness to par­ti­ci­pa­te in dif­fe­rent socio-demo­gra­phi­cal­ly defi­ned popu­la­ti­on groups on the basis of exis­ting mar­gi­nal dis­tri­bu­ti­ons from offi­cial sta­tis­tics (redress­ment). Due to the signi­fi­cant asso­cia­ti­on of gamb­ling pro­blems with various social indi­ca­tors accord­ing to pre­vious fin­dings, in order to avoid dis­tor­ted pre­va­lence esti­ma­tes it was of gre­at impor­t­ance, in addi­ti­on to age and gen­der dis­tri­bu­ti­ons, to adapt the cha­rac­te­ris­tics of schoo­ling, unem­ploy­ment and migra­ti­on back­ground to the popu­la­ti­on. Basi­cal­ly, the expan­si­on of the cha­rac­te­ris­tics for the redress­ment is accom­pa­nied by a reduc­tion in the effec­ti­ve num­ber of cases in the sam­ple and thus an incre­a­se in the sam­pling error. Thus, when selec­ting fea­tures to be con­si­de­red, a tra­de-off must be made bet­ween pos­si­ble dis­tor­ti­on and the accu­ra­cy of the point esti­ma­tes. Against this back­ground, the fol­lowing ana­ly­zes were based on a weigh­t­ing that inclu­des the social indi­ca­tors men­tio­ned, but not the cha­rac­te­ris­tic of the poli­ti­cal size class of the com­mu­ni­ty of resi­dence. A dis­tor­ti­on of the results is hard­ly to be expec­ted as the poli­ti­cal size class of the resi­den­ti­al com­mu­ni­ty was alrea­dy taken into account as a stra­ti­fi­ca­ti­on cri­ter­ion in the com­mu­ni­ty selec­tion and no signi­fi­cant con­nec­tion with the main inves­ti­ga­ti­on cri­ter­ion gamb­ling pro­blems can be assu­med.
For the infe­ren­ti­al sta­tis­ti­cal vali­da­ti­on of the fin­dings pre­sen­ted below, the sam­ple design was taken into account when esti­ma­ting the sam­pling errors, as far as metho­do­lo­gi­cal­ly pos­si­ble, sin­ce an ana­ly­sis using stan­dard methods, which assu­me a simp­le ran­dom sam­ple, would lead to signi­fi­cant distortions.

3. Implementation, work plan and schedule‌

Three mon­ths were plan­ned for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject. The work to be per­for­med inclu­ded the review of the lite­ra­tu­re, the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the data sets, the data ana­ly­sis, publi­ca­ti­on and repor­ting. The work was delay­ed for two rea­sons: 1. The com­plex sta­tis­ti­cal pro­ce­du­re based on the LCA in coope­ra­ti­on with the rese­ar­chers from the Nether­lands requi­red a grea­ter amount of time, espe­cial­ly for the respec­ti­ve agree­ments and con­tent-rela­ted dis­cus­sions of the pro­ce­du­re and the results. 2. In the PAGE stu­dy, as part of the tele­pho­ne sur­vey, the inclu­si­on of peop­le who can only be reached via mobi­le pho­ne was made pos­si­ble. The cor­re­spon­ding sur­veys were not com­ple­ted until Febru­a­ry 1, 2011. Howe­ver, it was deci­ded to use this sub-sam­ple and also to inclu­de it in the ana­ly­zes becau­se it repres­ents a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in the metho­do­lo­gy. In addi­ti­on to the plan­ned work, we have used the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vi­de ser­vices bey­ond the scope of the resour­ces in this pro­ject. This expan­si­on of our ser­vices has signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved the qua­li­ty of the results. After the end of the fun­ding peri­od, the work was con­ti­nued by the pro­ject manage­ment using its own resour­ces, so that it was com­ple­ted by the time the report was drawn up. A publi­ca­ti­on of the results in a spe­cia­list jour­nal is still pen­ding due to the delays.

4. Results‌

Of the 15,023 peop­le sur­vey­ed, 8,130 (54.1%) sta­ted that they had used the Inter­net for pri­va­te pur­po­ses eit­her for at least one hour on a week­day or one day on the wee­kend and recei­ved the ques­ti­ons from the CIUS. All of the fol­lowing ana­ly­zes have been car­ri­ed out on the basis of weigh­ted data, unless other­wi­se noted.

4.1 Prevalence estimate based on the cut-off‌

Based on the CIUS cut-off of 28, as descri­bed in the metho­do­lo­gy, the esti­ma­ted pre­va­lence of pro­bable inter­net addic­tion for the total sam­ple of 14- to 64-year-olds is 1.5% based on all par­ti­ci­pants (sub­jects, who were not asked about inter­net usa­ge due to the fil­ter are con­si­de­red incon­spi­cuous). Fin­dings by gen­der and the respec­ti­ve con­fi­dence inter­vals can be found in Table 1.

Table 1: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te based on cut-off 28 of the CIUS, ages 14–64 (n = 15,023)



Con­fi­dence interval











If the youn­ger age group is con­si­de­red sepa­r­ate­ly, the pre­va­lence figu­res are hig­her and the­re is a shift wit­hin the sexes to a hig­her pro­por­ti­on among the fema­le par­ti­ci­pants (Tables 2 and 3).

Table 2: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te based on cut-off 28 of the CIUS, ages 14–24 (n = 2,937)



Con­fi­dence interval











Table 3: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te based on cut-off 28 of the CIUS, ages 14–16 (n = 693)



Con­fi­dence interval











If one con­si­ders the group of 14 to 24 year-olds sepa­ra­ted by sex, one can see for the suspect in the CIUS (pre­su­med inter­net addicts) that fema­le par­ti­ci­pants main­ly sta­ted social net­works as the first men­tio­ned main acti­vi­ty on the inter­net (81.4%; Table 4) . This also app­lies to a lar­ge extent to the male par­ti­ci­pants (61.4%), who, howe­ver, in con­trast to the girls and women, often name online games (28.9%). Over­all, the pre­fe­ren­ces dif­fer signi­fi­cant­ly from each other (<0.001).

Table 4: First men­ti­on of the main acti­vi­ties on the Inter­net among 14–24 year olds with a con­spi­cuous CIUS result (28 or more points) by gender

Acti­vi­ties online

Fre­quen­cy (%)

Con­fi­dence interval


Social net­works






Online games



Enter­tain­ment (music, films, etc.)




Social net­works



Online games









Shop­ping / Selling



Inter­net telephony



4.2 Prevalence estimate based on the latent class analysis (LCA) ‌

Latent class models with 2 to 7 clas­ses were cal­cu­la­ted. The models with 5 and 6 clas­ses show­ed an iden­ti­cal­ly lar­ge group that show­ed extre­me values in the CIUS. Com­pa­red to the 5‑class solu­ti­on, the 6‑class solu­ti­on show­ed the bet­ter model adap­t­ati­on (BIC: 22417 vs. 22490; Entro­py 0.769 vs. 0.762). The 6 groups do not over­lap, as can be seen in Figu­re 2.

Figu­re 2: Box plot of the CIUS total values for the 6 classes

A fur­ther ana­ly­sis of the 6‑class solu­ti­on reve­a­led fea­tures that speak for the exis­tence of a group that can be view­ed as depen­dent (class 6). A second group (class 5) pro­bab­ly shows an incre­a­sed risk in terms of pro­ble­ma­tic Inter­net use. The cor­re­spon­ding fin­dings are named below: This shows that class 6 has hig­her CIUS values. This can also be obser­ved to a les­ser extent for class 5 (Table 5). The same app­lies to the num­ber of hours that are spent on the Inter­net during the week. Over­all, gra­de 6 shows a lower level of social acti­vi­ties and social trust. Gra­de 5 is the youn­gest of the groups, fol­lo­wed by Gra­de 6.

Table 5: Cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the 6 clas­ses: mean values (stan­dard error)




Hours in the internet








15,4 (0,03)

8,7 (0,19)

5,7 (0,07)

2,6 (0,02)

40,4 (0,34)


19,4 (0,03)

11,4 (0,34)

5,8 (0,74)

2,7 (0,02)

36,8 (0,44)


23,7 (0,03)

13,3 (0,33)

5,7 (0,73)

2,7 (0,02)

33,8 (0,41)


29, 6 (0,06)

16,0 (0,42)

5,5 (0,08)

2,7 (0,02)

31,1 (0,51)


37,3 (0,13)

22,5 (0,69)

5,3 (0,13)

2,7 (0,03)

27,6 (0,47)


48,7 (0,53)

29,2 (1,64)

5,0 (0,21)

2,5 (0,63)

30,0 (1,08)








* ANOVA (CIUS and age) or Krus­kal-Wal­lis‑H test based on unweigh­ted data

In the fol­lowing, the occur­rence of class 6 in the total popu­la­ti­on and in par­ti­al sam­ples is used to esti­ma­te the prevalence.

This results in an esti­ma­ted pre­va­lence for pro­bable inter­net addic­tion of 1.0% for all par­ti­ci­pants in the total sam­ple of 14 to 64 year olds. Fin­dings by gen­der and the respec­ti­ve con­fi­dence inter­vals can be found in Table 6.

Table 6: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of inter­net addic­tion based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 6), ages 14–64 (n = 15,023)



Con­fi­dence interval











If the youn­ger age group is con­si­de­red sepa­r­ate­ly, this approach also results in hig­her pre­va­lence rates and the pre­va­lence levels are initi­al­ly equal with regard to the sexes. Among 14 to 16 year olds, the pre­va­lence is hig­her in fema­le par­ti­ci­pants (Tables 7 and 8).

Table 7: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of inter­net addic­tion based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 6), ages 14–24 (n = 2,937)



Con­fi­dence interval











Table 8: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of inter­net addic­tion based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 6), ages 14–16 (n = 693)



Con­fi­dence interval











When loo­king at the first-men­tio­ned main acti­vi­ties on the Inter­net, it again beco­mes appa­rent that social net­works are in the fore­ground for both sexes, but that the­se are men­tio­ned even more fre­quent­ly for girls and women (Table 9). In con­trast, boys and men play online games much more often. Over­all, the pre­fe­ren­ces also dif­fer signi­fi­cant­ly from each other here (<0.001). Some of the acti­vi­ties of the male par­ti­ci­pants lis­ted in Table 4 no lon­ger appe­ar here. Die Schät­zung auf Basis der LCA führt somit zu einer stär­ke­ren Fokus­sie­rung auf die Haupt­ak­ti­vi­tä­ten Sozia­le Netz­wer­ke und Online­spie­len, was zusätz­lich für die Vali­di­ät des LCA-Ansat­zes spre­chen mag.

Table 9: First men­ti­on of the main acti­vi­ties on the Inter­net of 14–24 year-olds in class 6 of the LCA by gender

Acti­vi­ties online

Fre­quen­cy (%)

Con­fi­dence interval


Social net­works






Online games



Enter­tain­ment (music, films, etc.)




Social net­works



Online games



Inter­net telephony



In addi­ti­on to class 6, which can be view­ed as depen­dent, pre­va­lence rates can be given for class 5, which pres­um­a­b­ly has pro­ble­ma­tic Inter­net use. The cor­re­spon­ding data can be found in Tables 10 to 12. Over­all, the respec­ti­ve pro­por­ti­ons are signi­fi­cant­ly hig­her than in the case of the depen­den­cy. The­re are again hig­her rates in the youn­ger sam­ples and the pre­do­mi­nan­ce of women in the youn­ger age groups.

Table 10: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of pro­ble­ma­tic inter­net use based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 5), ages 14–64 (n = 15,023)



Con­fi­dence interval











Table 11: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of pro­ble­ma­tic inter­net use based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 5), ages 14–24 (n = 2,937)



Con­fi­dence interval











Table 12: Pre­va­lence esti­ma­te of pro­ble­ma­tic inter­net use based on the LCA (fre­quen­cy of class 5), ages 14–16 (n = 693)



Con­fi­dence interval











5. Discussion of the results‌

The pre­va­lence esti­ma­tes found in the PINTA stu­dy are below the pre­vious­ly avail­ab­le data from Hahn and Jeru­sa­lem (2001), who found a rate of 3.2% on the basis of an occa­sio­nal sam­ple in an online sur­vey. The esti­ma­tes of the pre­sent sam­ple are bet­ween 1% and 1.5%. The hig­her value was found using a cut-off from ano­t­her stu­dy (Van Rooij et al., 2011). This esti­ma­te has the fol­lowing sources of error: The com­pa­ra­ti­ve stu­dy is a sam­ple that is limi­ted to 13- to 16-year-old stu­dents. Fur­ther­mo­re, it was about the record­ing of online game addic­tion. The trans­fe­ra­bi­li­ty is the­re­fo­re limi­ted. In addi­ti­on, a pre­va­lence esti­ma­te based on a scree­ning pro­cess is always asso­cia­ted with a high error rate. Signi­fi­cant over­esti­ma­ti­ons can be made, par­ti­cu­lar­ly with low pre­va­lence and low spe­ci­fi­ci­ty (Gam­bi­no, 1997). Cor­rec­tions using for­mu­las that take sen­si­ti­vi­ty and spe­ci­fi­ci­ty into account, as ori­gi­nal­ly plan­ned, were not pos­si­ble in this case. The rea­son is that the­se two vali­di­ty mea­su­res are based on respon­se pro­ba­bi­li­ties of the LCA in the stu­dy by Van Rooij et al. could have been cal­cu­la­ted, but it would have been a cir­cu­lar argu­ment, sin­ce the con­spi­cuous class was also cal­cu­la­ted from the same ana­ly­sis. An exter­nal cri­ter­ion is missing.

The second approach of the pre­sent stu­dy was able to iden­ti­fy a class based on the LCA, which is very likely to repre­sent a group of inter­net addicts. This is sup­por­ted by a num­ber of fin­dings that dis­tin­guish it from the other clas­ses. This group had the hig­hest values in the CIUS, spent most of the time on the Internet,

show­ed less social acti­vi­ty, felt less social trust and was more likely to be young. A second group also stood out and can be view­ed as pro­ble­ma­tic with regard to Inter­net beha­vi­or. This pro­ce­du­re has the fol­lowing sources of error: 1. The group for­ma­ti­on is based sole­ly on the CIUS. Fea­tures that are not inclu­ded here are not taken into account. 2. Even if a num­ber of cri­te­ria have been used to find the most sui­ta­ble model, the­re is always some room for inter­pre­ta­ti­on. Taken tog­e­ther, the­re is no exter­nal vali­da­ti­on here either.

Over­all, it is assu­med that the esti­ma­te based on the LCA is clo­ser to the true pre­va­lence, sin­ce the sources of error in the other esti­ma­te must gene­ral­ly be asses­sed as signi­fi­cant­ly lar­ger. For the group as a who­le, the esti­ma­tes are also far apart.

In rela­ti­on to the pro­ject objec­ti­ves, it has clear­ly been pos­si­ble to make a more pre­cise esti­ma­te of the pre­va­lence pos­si­ble. The clear advan­ta­ge is the basis of a lar­ge and repre­sen­ta­ti­ve sam­ple which, in addi­ti­on to the fixed net­work sam­ple, also inclu­des peop­le who can only be reached via mobi­le phones.

When loo­king at the age groups and the dis­tri­bu­ti­on wit­hin the sexes, it is noti­ce­ab­le that in the young age groups the pre­va­lence rates of girls exceed tho­se of boys. Com­pa­red with ear­lier fin­dings (Hahn & Jeru­sa­lem, 2001; Peter­sen et al., 2010) this was not to be expec­ted. The fin­ding is all the more striking becau­se this trend was found in both esti­ma­tes using the dif­fe­rent metho­do­lo­gi­cal approa­ches. This can also be found in the LCA for the second con­spi­cuous class, who­se Inter­net use can be view­ed as pro­ble­ma­tic. If one loo­ks at the respec­ti­ve con­spi­cuous in the group of 14 to 24 year olds, one finds dif­fe­ren­ces in the pre­fe­ren­ces of the Inter­net acti­vi­ties. It is true that both groups most fre­quent­ly sta­te that social net­works are used, but this is par­ti­cu­lar­ly pro­noun­ced among women, who, on the other hand, rare­ly use online games. Over­all, and espe­cial­ly for the­se unex­pec­ted fin­dings in the young fema­le test per­sons, future stu­dies will have to cla­ri­fy whe­ther the abnor­ma­li­ties found are actual­ly to be unders­tood as a dis­or­der for which help is nee­ded. For this it is necessa­ry to con­duct in-depth inter­views that cap­tu­re the cli­ni­cal signi­fi­can­ce on the level of sym­ptoms and cri­te­ria as well as the asso­cia­ted impairments.

6. Gender mainstreaming aspects‌

Due to the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve­ness of the sam­ple and the sepa­ra­te ana­ly­zes for women and men, aspects of gen­der main­strea­ming could be ful­ly taken into account.

7. Overall assessment‌

The pro­ject objec­ti­ves were ful­ly achie­ved. In par­ti­cu­lar, the sta­tis­ti­cal­ly com­plex LCA could be used, which metho­do­lo­gi­cal­ly enab­led a more pre­cise esti­ma­te of the pre­va­lence. The delays in the pro­ject pro­cess due to this ana­ly­sis and the addi­ti­on of the sam­ple, which can only be reached via mobi­le pho­ne, can be clear­ly jus­ti­fied by the respec­ti­ve metho­do­lo­gi­cal gain.

8. Dissemination and publicity of the project results‌

Due to the very short dura­ti­on of the pro­ject, no broad publi­ca­ti­on acti­vi­ty has been pos­si­ble so far. This is plan­ned for the com­ing peri­od. The­re are alrea­dy plans for pre­sen­ta­ti­ons at the Addic­tion Con­gress in Frank­furt (Sep­tem­ber 28th-Octo­ber 1st, 2011) and at the Sci­en­ti­fic Dis­cus­sion of the Ger­man Socie­ty for Addic­tion Rese­arch and Addic­tion The­ra­py (DG-Sucht) in Lübeck (Decem­ber 2nd-4th, 2011). A pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the Cri­mi­no­lo­gi­cal Rese­arch Insti­tu­te in Hano­ver has alrea­dy taken place. Publi­ca­ti­ons in spe­cia­list jour­nals are to follow.

9. Utilization of the project results (sustainability / transfer potential) ‌

The results indi­ca­te high rates of pro­ble­ma­tic or addic­ti­ve inter­net use in young age groups, espe­cial­ly among women. In order to be able to assess whe­ther the­re is a par­ti­cu­lar need for pre­ven­ti­on or tre­at­ment offers, fur­ther cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of the­se initi­al fin­dings in a detail­ed fol­low-up stu­dy is urgent­ly required.

10. List of publications lectures‌

Rumpf, H. J., Mey­er, C. & John, U. (2011). Pre­va­lence of inter­net addic­tion (PINTA), Cri­mi­no­lo­gi­cal Rese­arch Insti­tu­te Lower Sax­o­ny. Han­no­ver, 09.05.2011.Rumpf, H. J., Mey­er, C. & John, U. (2011). Pre­va­lence of Inter­net Addic­tion (PINTA): Results and Out­look, Federal Minis­try of Health. Ber­lin, 07.04.2011.

11. Literature‌

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Chris­ta­kis, D. A. (2010). Inter­net addic­tion: a 21(st) cen­tu­ry epi­de­mic? Bmc Medi­ci­ne, 8, 3. Gam­bi­no, B. (1997). The cor­rec­tion for bias in pre­va­lence esti­ma­ti­on with scree­ning tests.

Jour­nal of Gamb­ling Stu­dies, 13, 343–351.

Hahn, A. & Jeru­sa­lem, M. (2001). Inter­net­sucht: Jugend­li­che gefan­gen im Netz. In J. Raithel (Ed.), Risi­ko­ver­hal­ten Jugend­li­cher: Erklä­run­gen, For­men und Prä­ven­ti­on (pp. 279- 293). Ber­lin: Les­ke + Budrich.

Han­son, B. S., Öster­gren, P. O., Elm­stahl, S., Isaacs­son, S. O. & Ran­s­tam, J. (1997). Relia­bi­li­ty and vali­di­ty assess­ments of mea­su­res od social net­works, social sup­port and con­trol — results from the Mal­mö Shoul­der and Neck Stu­dy. Scan­di­na­vi­an Jour­nal of Public Health, 25, 249–257.

Hess, D., Stein­we­de, A., Gil­berg, R. & Kleud­gen, M. (2011). Metho­den­be­richt PAGE — Patho­lo­gi­sches Glücks­spie­len und Epi­de­mio­lo­gie. Bonn: infas Insti­tut für ange­wand­te Sozi­al­wis­sen­schaf­ten GmbH.

Meer­kerk, G. J., Van Den Eijn­den, R., Ver­mulst, A. A. & Gar­ret­sen, H. F. L. (2009). The Com­pul­si­ve Inter­net Use Sca­le (CIUS): Some Psy­cho­metric Pro­per­ties. Cyber­psy­cho­lo­gy & Beha­vi­or, 12, 1–6.

Meix­ner, S. (2010). Exzes­si­ve Inter­net­nut­zung im Jugend­al­ter. Kin­der und Jugend­schutz in Wis­sen­schaft und Pra­xis, 55, 3–7.

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